Categorized find or Quick Search is a helpful tool that quickly allows you to search through multiple tables at the same time.
To get to the categorized find, click on the magnifying glass on the ribbon at the top of greymatter.
![Graphical user interface, application<br><br>Description automatically generated](/api/data/v9.0/msdyn_knowledgearticleimages%2821d63ea9-9433-ed11-9db1-002248086d3d%29/msdyn_blobfile/$value)
Let’s search for “Test” and see what this query retrieve.
![Graphical user interface, application, Teams<br><br>Description automatically generated](/api/data/v9.0/msdyn_knowledgearticleimages%2823d63ea9-9433-ed11-9db1-002248086d3d%29/msdyn_blobfile/$value)
The query retrieves records from multiple tables that contain the word we searched for. We can also use wildcards in our search.
To get to the categorized find, click on the magnifying glass on the ribbon at the top of greymatter.
Let’s search for “Test” and see what this query retrieve.
The query retrieves records from multiple tables that contain the word we searched for. We can also use wildcards in our search.
Using the wildcard retrieved quite a few more records.