Promote - Continuing Education - Add Learning Resources

  • Johnathan Clark
  • Version
Add Learning Resources to Courses for Continuing Education Courses.
Ability to assign learning resources like links to PDF downloads of course material is provided to students who have purchased course materials online.
Some courses require students to download specific materials. Typically PDF books or a syllabus added by the instructor along with any other reading material. The instructor will be added to either add the material for direct download, or provide a link to the material.
-be able to upload course content to a course
-be able to upload multiple items
-These items will only be available to students who are enrolled in the course and the current date is the same or after the start date of the course
-In the courses section of the portal, a list of all courses should be shown. Student can then navigate to the course and download the learning resources once the course has started 
Once the course has started, student will be able to see these course items for download or access

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